Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

I can’t login to Twitter within the app – what can I do?

It appears there’s a bug on Twitter’s end preventing any apps from using Twitter authentication for users who make use of the “Sign in with Google” button. Users get stuck at the Twitter homepage after logging in with their Google accounts. If this doesn’t apply to you and you still face a login issue, please make sure to drop an email so we can investigate.

But for all affected users, there’s a simple workaround:

  1. Sign in to your Twitter account in your browser (if you haven’t already)
  2. Navigate to the “Change your password” screen (or click here)

  3. Press the “Forgot password?” button

  4. Follow the process which will verify you (e.g. with a verification code sent to your email address)

  5. Once verified, you will be asked to “Enter your new password”

That’s it, with a password set, you can now sign in to your account in Twoot it! with your Tweet handle & new password.

How can I cross-post to Mastodon & Twitter for Free?

Unfortunately, due to the steep Twitter API pricing (starting from $5,000 US/month for successful apps) we can’t provide direct cross-posting for Free using the “Send now” button. It is only available in the Pro tier, which is priced just slightly above what we have to pay to Twitter – this is the fairest price we can offer.

But we have also a built-in workaround to use cross-posting for Free: Just connect your Mastodon account only and send your message using the “Send now” button. After sending has completed, Twoot it! will conveniently show a “Share” button. Press it and select the Twitter app (which you need to install separately) – and you will be able to post the same message to Twitter with just a few more taps!

This is all we could do to provide a better experience for our Free users.